Chris Bruce's Blog

Find Where Cash Buyers are Buying (Hotzones) on MLS
June 17, 2010, 12:31 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Find a Real Estate Mentor to Generate Faster Profits

Find a Real Estate Mentor …

So, you’re really excited about the possibility of making a lot of money in real estate. Unfortunately, you have no real experience and are terrified of getting burned. A real estate mentor can be the difference between failure and faster profits for you.

When you find the right mentor, they will teach you the mechanics of wholesale real estate and help you to get a jump start on the basics. It’s important to know all the ups and downs and learn them as quickly as possible so that you can focus on action versus constant evaluation. More importantly, they will help you to realize that this is a very viable way to generate income.

Many people looking to invest in real estate are paralyzed by fear and never move past the starting line. When you choose the right mentor, there will be no excuse but to succeed.

You do have to realize that there are many wholesale real estate newbies looking to get into the market. You’ll have to use a bit of elbow grease to get someone with the experience and knowledge you need to mentor you.

Here are a few tips to get you started…

1. Study the basics as well as the market where you want to do business. A mentor wants to see that you have some initiative and that you are serious about moving forward.
2. Work hard to locate a great deal and see if your new mentor will help you to close the deal or at least walk you through the steps required to make it happen.
3. Spend some time participating in your area real estate groups and ask for referrals because not everyone in the business has the time or motivation to men
4. Remember that this is supposed to be a win/win situation for both of you so find ways to make your new mentor feel that it is truly worth their time to invest in your education.
5. Be eager and ready to learn.

Once you find a good real estate mentor, things should get easier for you. Plus, after you’ve proven yourself, they’ll be more willing to share a few trade secrets. You’ll finally be “one of the gang.”

In the long run, there is no faster way to climb the ladder of success than to latch onto someone else who has already been where you want to go.

by Larry Goins

Get Off Your “But”

Luckily for me, earlier this year,  I had the chance to meet this great stand up guy by the name of Sean Stephenson. Sean is the master of motivation and overcoming the “excuses” in life that hold us back from our goals. That is his passion and that is his life’s purpose, and he lives out that purpose everyday.

If you don’t already know who Sean is… prepare to be BLOWN AWAY.  He is a master Motivational Speaker, and Hypnotherapist… he’s worked in the White House, he’s publishes his own online magazine, he’s spoken before both houses of Congress, his THIRD BOOK is going to be released soon, and he’s currently in negotiations with several networks for his own television show.

He was born with a genetic bone disorder called O.I. (or osteogenesis imperfecta) where his bones are as brittle as match sticks.  He wasn’t supposed to live for more than 24 hours, and even if he did live, he was supposed to be weak, fragile, and almost certainly not see his 10th birthday. However today he is still alive proving the masses wrong.

Watch this video of him below.

Top 5 Informational Market Business Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake #1- Not Selecting a Specific Niche.

Perhaps the biggest mistake of all is trying to be everything to everyone. You can’t – so stop!

It’s very counter-intuitive to focus on a smaller slice of the market and most people are afraid to do it. But when you do, your business will grow faster, and you’ll be more financially successful in less time.

Mistake #2 – Wasting Time and Money on Developing Pretty but Useless Websites.

A bad idea is a bad idea – no matter how pretty you dress it up. Many people waste precious startup dollars on expensive but needless graphic design work, pretty logos, and complex web design.

In reality, many businesses can be simple and inexpensive to get off the ground. In fact, a simple site with little or no graphics will often make more money than one with all the latest bells and whistles flashing all over the page.

Think – what is the core concept of your business. Outline it on a single sheet of paper, then implement it fast in its simplest form. You can always give it a makeover and make it prettier if it’s successful and profitable.

Mistake #3 – Going Into It, Instead of Growing Into It.

While the Internet makes it easier to reach your potential clients, you’re still building a business – and that takes time. Don’t tell your boss you’re quitting today because you started this hot new online business last night and you’ll be “rolling in dough in no time flat!”

First make sure your business idea works and is profitable.

That’s one of the advantages of Internet Business – you can start small and step-it-up as your business starts getting sales and generating profits.

Just be sure you can consistently replace your current income before jumping ship and telling your boss to “beat it”!

Mistake #4 – Not Building Relationship with Clients.

“Even though you don’t know me from Adam, I want you to take out your wallet and give me $20 – in exchange I’ll make you the King of the Universe!” What!? You don’t want to give me your $20? What a surprise!

Most people think about starting a business online in terms of getting a quick sale – with no prior relationship with their potential clients at all.

In reality, you’ll be more successful when you make your first goal to collect contact information from potential clients and follow-up with them on regular basis.

It’s much easier to “sell something for FREE” than trying to convince people to give you money at first.

Make it your goal to prove your credibility online and make your business all about relationships with prospects and clients, and you’ll build a thriving online empire.
Mistake #5 – LAST BUT NOT LEAST… Calling It “QUITS” Too Soon!

If your new online venture isn’t making money at first, don’t walk away from it too soon. Many entrepreneurs have multiple “failures” in their background – which in reality are lessons in what didn’t work.

Evaluate your ideas and get help with gaining a new perspective on what you’re doing. With some new ideas you might find a new way to position your business differently and make it profitable.

Or maybe you simply need to give it more time to gain the traction and momentum you want.

Sulpher Springs **LandLord Dream** 40 Cents On The Dollar


Tampa, Florida 33604

This place has 2bedrooms and 1bathroom, 979 sq ft.  Houses is Off waters not to far from Nebraska in Sulpher Springs. Which is a decent neighborhood compared to the rest of Sulpher Springs. Property does need rehab work. But will shine like a new light. The bath tub and sink are almost as new. The kitchen has new cabinets.

Recent Houses Sold in the Area:
1 br
1 ba
812 sqft
0.69 mi
3 br
1 ba
960 sqft
0.53 mi
3 br
2 ba
1,235 sqft
0.57 mi
6 br
3 ba
2,160 sqft
1.01 mi
4 br
2 ba
1,980 sqft
0.53 mi
2 br
2 ba
1,428 sqft
0.18 mi
4 br
2 ba
1,353 sqft
0.32 mi
3 br
1 ba
1,010 sqft
0.39 mi
8104 ALASKA ST TAMPA, FL 33604
2 br
2 ba
1,156 sqft
0.15 mi

Price is 22K NET    House is Vacant.

ARV= 68K

2K deposit. CASH OR HARD MONEY ONLY!     Call Chris 800-213-8816 or Email for additional information

Sell Your House To Avoid Forclosure

They can damage your credit rating, a problem that can prevent you from purchasing another home in the future. If you want to know how to avoid foreclosures, keep reading. We have some advice that may help you avoid foreclosure.

At the first sign of financial trouble, we recommend talking to your lender to help avoid foreclosure. This may seem embarrassing or nerve-wracking, but it is the first step towards avoiding foreclosure. Your lender doesn’t want to take your home as they are not in the business of real estate! The longer you wait to talk about financial problems with your lender, the more difficult it will become to find a solution that works for everyone and avoid foreclosures.

If something comes up that prevents you from making your payments for a short period of time, like temporary unemployment, illness or unforeseen medical expenses, there are several options to help you avoid foreclosure. You might consider forbearance, a repayment plan or a reinstatement plan to avoid foreclosure.

Forbearance means a temporary hold on your payments. Interest will continue to accrue in the interim and the interest will be added to the remaining balance of the loan. When the forbearance period closes, you will make full payments on the mortgage (including the accrued interest).

A repayment plan, otherwise known as an amortization schedule, works on the basis of nominal interest. If you calculate how much income you have and how much money you spend, you can determine if a repayment plan will work for you to avoid foreclosure. If you can make your regular payments on time, you set up a payment schedule in which you pay more money each month to work off the late payments over a set period of time. Although the repayment plan takes time for you to get out of debt, it will help you avoid foreclosure in the long run.

The third option to avoid foreclosure is a reinstatement plan. You can use a reinstatement plan if you are able to resume your regular payments and provide a lump-sum payment that includes back payments, late fees and any other legal expenses. This is the quickest method of resolving your financial problems, if you can manage the lump sum and it helps avoid foreclosure.

However, if you are in more serious financial troubles that will prevent you from making payments over a long period of time, you have some different options to help avoid foreclosure.

One option to avoid foreclosure is to refinance your existing mortgage. This means you will be applying for a second secured loan that will allow you to pay off your existing mortgage at a more favorable interest rate. This method works well if you have a fair amount of equity in your home. Because interest rates

fluctuate over time, you may be able to exchange a higher interest rate on your existing mortgage for a lower one, which will lower your monthly payments.

Refinancing can also help avoid foreclosure by shortening the term of your mortgage. Another option to avoid foreclosure is to give your property back to the lender via Deed in Lieu foreclosure. This means that the bank takes your property as payment for your outstanding debt. Although this means giving up your home, it will not affect your credit rating as negatively as an actual foreclosure. You might consider selling your house to avoid foreclosure. You may be able to avoid foreclosure by getting the bank to stop proceedings by agreeing to sell your home. To avoid foreclosure, you might need to accept a lower asking price for your home due to time limits set by the lender.

The most important thing for you to gain from reading this guide to avoiding foreclosure is the understanding that time is the key factor. If you want to avoid foreclosure, speak with your lender as quickly as possible. The longer you wait, the less desirable your options become. Avoid foreclosure of your home by investigating the options available to you now!

Article by Tim Mai

New Wholesale Deal For Sale Now in Tampa, FL (Video)

Outsource almost anything for $5…..

It’s Your Move

Good evening, Today I want to share with you a very good story. There was a college student who had a paper due Monday at noon. He rushed to the professor to turn in his paper, but he was late.. it was 12:30 pm. Professor said your late young man, I can’t accept your paper. He said to the Professor “But sir I have a good excuse why I couldn’t get here at noon.”

The professor replied back, “Sorry but the paper was due at Noon, and unfortunately rules is rules.” The student got closer by the desk and noticed all of the papers that was turned in by all the other students. He said, “Professor do you know who I am?” Professor said no I don’t know who you are.

The student yelled, “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM??” Professor yelled back ” No I don’t know who you are and even if I did I still wouldn’t except your paper!” The boy quickly put his paper in between the other students papers and mixed them all up, and said, ” Good you don’t know who I am, It’s your move!”

Life is usually like a chess or checkers game. You never know what will be thrown our way. But we all must be ready for the time when it’s our move. Our time to make a decision and act on it!

C-Bruce & Dennis Putting Out Bandit Signs To Attract Motivated Sellers